Rm. 3 and Rm. 7, the two 5th classes had amazing art classes with Lucy Tormey a local artist from The Westmeath County Council.

The two 5th classes worked together on a project they did with Lucy called The Great Doodle Project.

All the details Lucy helped us with were our own ideas we had came up with in previous weeks.

The project taught us about team work and working together.

On the first week we let our pencils go on a walk around the page, with all the gaps we had drawn on the sheet of paper we filled with doodles.

On the second week  Lucy gave us scraps of card and tissue paper and let us stick them randomly on the page.

On the third week we started on our large canvas picture. We drew the designs all over the canvas.

On the forth week we painted our masterpiece in bright and colourful colours!

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By Ciara Flynn and Jessica Odesanya